Sculptural FacIAL LIFTING


 Sculptural Face Lifting; “Nature’s answer to botox and filler.”



Sculptural Facial Lifting is a powerful Aesthetic technique with osteopathic effect. This treatment is right for you if you are against cosmetic injections, or can enhance current cosmetic injections.
This technique is an anti-gravity method designed to lift the face, release the build up of stress found deep in the facial muscles, strengthen the muscles and re-correct the facial structure back to how it naturally used to be.

It is an intense fitness workout for your face. Just like we work out our muscles in the body to create the sculpted look we desire, we should do the same for our facial muscles and “work them out” in the same practice. Your therapist, Sophie, will be your very own facial muscle personal trainer.

The technique was created and taught in Russia by Yakov Gershkovich, which Sophie had the privilege of learning side by side with. His method is THE modern-day trend in the world of holistic aesthetics, and has been used by thousands of women worldwide as a natural rejuvenation solution, and is praised by many beauty influencers and A-list celebrities such as Megan Markle and Kate Moss.

The way we look and the way we feel are interconnected. Similar to the Mind-Skin Axis, the muscles and facial structure are a direct result of the emotions we have experienced over a lifetime. With Sculptural Face Lifting, we are squeezing and releasing the built up negative emotions from the facial muscles, and redefining the way we appear by re-training the muscles back to how they were before.


Consists of 3 phases:

1. Sculptural Massage

After a triple steamed cleansing & cream exfoliation, the sculptural is then performed with extensive massage techniques, lifting the double chin, puffy sagging cheeks, misplaced eyelids, lowered mouth corners, wrinkles between the eyebrows, etc.

2.  Intra-Oral Massage

A deep tissue massage performed in the deeper oral cavity, that dramatically reverses the signs of aging without needles or surgical interventions. This technique requires great knowledge of the anatomical structures of the face, and the skill to work on individual muscles. To master this elaborate technique, the therapist need to undergo a special training and gain a certification.

3. Calming Alginate Masque

After stimulating your face with the Sculptural Face Massage, we will complete your skin with a gentle alginate mask, leaving you lifted, sculpted and glowing.

You not only will look amazing, you will leave feeling amazing.

1 Treatment - $350
